Special Places...
(Visit for more
comprehensive information.)
BUSSES ... bike racks are available on R.I.P.T.A. buses to take you (and your bike) to your favorite biking areas. Call R.I.P.T.A. at 781-9400 or 800-244-0444.
● Bellevue Ave./Ocean Park
Dr. - 15 miles of paths from around Atlantic Ocean and Newport Mansions.
● Blackstone River Bikeway
First 11.6-mile section of proposed 19-mile path through the Blackstone Valley National
Heritage Corridor between Providence and Worcester, MA.
● Block Island
Paths and trails throughout the island.
● Conanicut Island
20 miles of paths on the Island.
● East Bay Bike Path .......... 253-7482
14.5 miles of paved paths for biking, skating, running, etc.
Starts at India Point Park in Providence and ends in Bristol.
● Colt State Park
A paved pathway runs throughout the park. Parking, restrooms, food, phones, picnic areas, and beautiful view of Narragansett Bay. The East Bay Bike path runs through.
● Goddard StatePark.
In East Greenwich, 8 miles of paths.
● Greenville Area of Smithfield. 20 miles of paths in and around village.
● Riverside Park at 50 Aleppo
St., Prov. Providence's only off-road bike path. We have the Red Shed Bike Shop where classes are held, and we have bike rides and paddle trips.
● South County Bike Path .......... 789-4422
7 miles of paths
● Tiverton, Sakonnet/Little
Compton. 25-30 miles of paths.
● Wilson Park Bikeway ......... 294-3331
1.5 mile loop circling Wilson Park in Wickford.
Bike & Skate Rentals
Block Island Bike (and Car) Rental ............... 466-2297
Ocean Ave., Block Island. Bike rentals in season, year-round car rentals.
East Providence Cycle ............... 434-3838
414 Warren Ave., E. Providence
NBX Bikes
922 Boston Neck Road, Narragansett .............. 782-4444
3480 Post Road, Warwick ..... 739-0393
212 Fourth Street, Providence ........ 274-5300