Foster Care
Boys Town ............... 845-2250
58 Flanagan Road, Portsmouth
Boys and girls, ages 2-18.
Child & Family Treatment Foster Care ............... 781-3669
Youth ages 0-21
1268 Eddy Street, Providence
Children's Friend ............... 276-4318
153 Summer St., Providence
Communities for People ............... 273-7103
Community Care Alliance ............... 235-7000
245 Main St., Woonsocket
Department of Children Youth and Families ............... 528-3700
Boys and girls, infant-18.
Devereux Therapeutic Foster Care of Rhode Island ............... 734-9680
33 College Hill Rd., Warwick
Family Service of RI ............... 331-1350
All ages. Contact: Leidy Alves
Foster Forward (formerly R.I. Foster Parent Association)
Helpline ............... 438-3900
55 South Brow St., E. Prov. Serving all youth in foster care, those who have aged out, foster parents and mentors.
Groden Network ............... 274-6310, x1259
Boys and girls up to 21
610 Manton Avenue, Providence, RI 02909
Provides treatment level foster care for a diverse population of children and youth with special needs and matches them with licensed treatment foster homes across Rhode Island.
For more information, please reach out to Tonya Mccarthy at 401-274-6310 x 1259 or via email at
North American Family Institute ............... 921-8700
Boys and girls, ages 11-17.
Urban League Rhode Island ............... 351-5000, x117
246 Prairie Ave., Providence