Before you say, “NO WAY!”, find out more. Your local school department is also available for more information.
PO Box 1151, Coventry
ENRICHri is a secular homeschooling group in RI and Southern New England that offers over 300 field trips,seminars, social gatherings and classes per year.
Rhode Island Guild of Home Teachers (RIGHT) ............... 996-5991
RIGHT offers support, group activities, legal defense and special state-wide events such as Promotion ceremony, field trips, parties, curriculum fairs, competitions, exhibitions, and more. Chapters are located throughout the state.
Home Education and Family Services ............... 207-657-2800
P.O. Box 1056, Gray, ME 04039
Offers support to parents and homeschooling families in their efforts to "train for excellence."
Home Educators Resource Directory
245 Manton Street, Pawtucket.
RICHES is a Christian homeschool organization whose aim is to reclaim the lost educational heritage of our land. Follow us on Facebook!